Attestation for UAE

Certificate Attestation is a documentation procedure and hence it demands time so it is always better to rely on professional certificate attestation service providers. Guideline offers global support for your individual as well as business certificate attestation needs. 

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Certificate attestation for UAE can be simplified with a  professional certificate attestation service provider. UAE certificate attestation procedures are carried out for educational, non-educational and company documents attestation.  Once your document gets attested from the home department, it will be transferred to MEA. After getting successful document attestation from MEA you can submit the certificates to UAE Embassy for attestation. 

What documents you should have with you to get your certificate attested in UAE?

The system of attestation from UAE embassy is relies upon upon the sort of files. There are distinctive authorities government accountable for attestation of tutorial, personal and industrial files. Below is the list of documents required for certificates attestation from UAE Embassy.

  • Original educational certificates (its own state education department or after human resource department)
  • Educational certificates of the government (without human resource development), death, marriage as well as birth certificates.
  • Both the passport copies of husband as well as wife in the similar page require to be submitted along with the marriage certificate for U.A.E. attestations. In regards to the death certificate, either party’s passport copy or only ID copy has been required as such. The marriage certificates, without having the passport copies of both husband and wife on the similar page would not be accepted in respect to U.A.E. attestations.
  • Moreover, experience certificates, registration certificate, transcript certificate, birth certificate, marriage certificate as well as death certificate of the party are too required as well as necessary too. U.A.E. Ministry of Foreign Affairs only (after the embassy of UAE from Delhi) is essential as well as needful also.
  • Company documents (memorandum of the article, registration certificates, invoice, the board of resolution) etc are required too. The Company documents are included in the chamber of commerce with ministry of external affairs along with U embassy also.
  • Each and every government, as well as privately approved universities of United Arab Emirates, must have HRD certification plus MEA before submitting to UAE Embassy or Consulate attestation as such. In respect to all other certificates, the passport copies of the United Arab Emirates must be there as a whole.